Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Adventure Awaits!

So I have FINALLY purchased my plane ticket! Leaving from Seattle at 7ish pm on Jan. 7th! Fly straight through to London with a short layover then continue on to Frankfurt. Don't think I could have gotten much luckier with a better flight! I love only having one short stop.

I have also emailed my cooperating teacher, can't wait to hear back from her and can't wait to meet her and all of her students!

Also, I am visiting Keith in New York right after Christmas. We will be taking a day trip to NYC and I plan to take lots of pictures. I'll probably post them here so be on the lookout!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Although I have yet to purchase my plane ticket (planning on doing it soon, don't worry!) I think it is safe to officially announce that I will be student teaching in Heidelberg, Germany!!!

I've been waiting almost a year to get my official notice that I will be going, and I now know that I will be completing my student teaching in a 2nd grade classroom on an American military base.

I decided to make this blog to make it a little easier to keep everyone updated on my adventures. Of course the main reason I am going to Germany is to teach and this will be my main focus. However, while I'm in Europe how can I NOT resist to do a little traveling :) 

Take into mind that this is my first ever blog so I am still trying to figure out the ropes, but I will do my best :)

I am so excited to begin my adventures and cannot wait to see what is in store for me!